Recherche en Didactique des Mathématiques [Research in the Didactics of Mathematics] is an international journal founded in 1980 to report basic research undertaken within the framework of didactics of mathematics. It is a research journal which publishes original articles, with each annual volume made up of three issues.
The journal seeks to make research studies in didactics of mathematics widely accessible and to stimulate debate around these studies. So as to reflect the variety of work which makes up research in didactics of mathematics, it aims to publish a wide range of articles:
articles which contribute to theoretical developments in the field,
articles which address methodological problems,
articles reporting empirical research which show how theories have been applied and tested in practice etc.
This diversity of approaches and methods aims at fertilising the debates which didacticians of mathematics (along with connected fields) must encourage and support to make progress in understanding phenomena related to the teaching and learning of mathematics.
The journal is intended for an audience principally of researchers in didactics of mathematics, teachers, professional mathematicians, teacher educators, and educational managers.
It fulfils its role as a research journal by:
publishing original articles which report one or more research studies in a timely manner;
providing for significant collections of research reports to appear as thematic issues;
encouraging fundamental debates on specified themes;
distributing information on international events on research in didactics of mathematics.
Articles are written in one of three languages: English, French, or Spanish, and carry an abstract in each of these three languages.
A book series associated with the journal publishes work which develops research in didactics of mathematics, as well as collections arising from important research meetings (colloquia, summer schools…) related to the domain.