L’enseignant et la transmission dans l’espace psychique de la classe

Abstract In the last ten years I wrote several papers addressed to didacticians of mathematics. In these papers I emphasized that the didactic theory that was then emerging did not take into account the unconscious phenomena (in a Freudian sense) happening in the classroom. Today I try to model the teaching process from a psychoanalytic … Lire la suite

Régulations didactiques et changements de contrats

Abstract This paper presents the second stage of a research work based on the analysis of transcriptions of sessions, in «ordinary» classes, on the teaching of the square root (pupils age 14-15). The first stage of this research work led to the pointing out and characterization of signs of disturbance in the didactical system. Our … Lire la suite

Les rapports d’enseignants de troisième et de seconde aux objets « nombre réel » et « racine carrée »

Abstract The place and the role of the notions «real number» and «square root» in the curriculum have undergone many and varied changes as a consequence of several reforms introduced during the past ten (or more) years into the French school system (Bronner 1991). In view of some of the changes that have occurred, I … Lire la suite