Construction d’une « clinique » pour le didactique. Une étude des phénomènes temporels de l’enseignement

Abstract Situated in the field of didactics of mathematics, this article emphasises the epistemological relevance and simultaneously the theoretical and methodological conditions of a clinical approach to didactics – in particular, for the observation of ordinary classes and, more generally, for the study of didactic questions that are difficult to handle by more traditional means. … Lire la suite

La notion de cadre de rationalité. A propos de la droite au collège

Abstract Scientifically conceptualised, the notion of a framework of rationality models the dialectic between actual experience and scientific knowledge. Based on the work of Gérard Vergnaud (1981, 1990, 1995), and particularly on the notion of a homomorphism between reality and its representations, this modelling systematically takes into account the material, mental, and cultural triangulation of … Lire la suite

Ecriture, raisonnement et découverte de la démonstration en mathématiques

Abstract The role of writing in mathematical activity raises three major problems for the learning of mathematics. Does comprehension of the reasoning in the steps of a proof occur only through oral expression or does it also require written work ? Does putting words in writing radically change the nature of the discourse that is … Lire la suite