Difficultés d’apprentissage de la notion de vecteur pour des élèves de première année de lycée en France et au Viêt-nam

Abstract This article concerns the effects of choices in teaching vectors on the learning of pupils in the first year of upper secondary school in Vietnam. We first specify, starting from the study of programs and current textbooks, characteristics of the teaching of vectors in the Vietnamese upper secondary school. In the second part, we … Lire la suite

Fonctionnalités des représentations graphiques dans la résolution de problèmes d’analyse à l’université

Abstract Numerous research studies have considered pupils’ interactions with graphical representations in mathematical activity at various levels of schooling. Our own research relates specifically to higher education and to the field of mathematical analysis. We attempt to identify the uses that graphical representations can have in this case, situating our work in the categorizations provided … Lire la suite

Effets d’un stage de formation en géométrie sur les pratiques d’enseignants de l’école primaire

Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between the intention of the teacher educator and what the educated teacher actually does on returning to his or her class. Therefore, we analyzed the classroom practices of five teachers on returning to their pupils following an inservice course in geometry for primary school … Lire la suite

L’univers mathématique proposé par le professeur en classe. Observation, description, organisation

Abstract This article concerns mathematics teachers’ classroom practice. That part of the teacher’s practice that influences pupils’ learning is called the mathematical universe proposed to the pupils. The goal of the present work was to put forth a method for describing these universes (local analyses of tasks and activities, local analyses of discourse) and to … Lire la suite

Les recherches sur les pratiques des enseignants et les contraintes de l’exercice du métier d’enseignant

Abstract In this article, we present a problematics for the analysis of teaching practices in which the standpoint of the potential effects of those practices on the pupils’ learning overlaps the standpoint of the specific work of the teacher. In the first part, we justify the adoption of this problematics on the basis of previous … Lire la suite

Praxéologies didactiques et praxéologies mathématiques. A propos d’un enseignement des limites au secondaire

Abstract This article reports a teaching experiment on limits in the upper secondary grades that exploits the complementarity between Guy Brousseau’s theory of didactic situations and Yves Chevallard’s anthropological theory of didactics. From the former, one mainly uses the concept of adidacticity, which makes it possible to show the connection to constructivist theories with which … Lire la suite