L’entrée dans le contrat didactique à l’école maternelle. Le rôle des rituels dans la construction d’un milieu pour apprendre

Abstract The aim of our research is to show how the teaching is set up for learning pupil at preschool. To understand how the child learn how to manage with the rules of the scolar play, we use the didactic situation theory to identify and describe the origin of the didactic contract and to see … Lire la suite

Un enfoque ontólogico y semiótico de la cognición matemática

Abstract In this article we describe a technique to analyse mathematics teaching and learning processes, which permits the characterisation of the institutional and personal meanings involved and the identification of possible semiotic conflict in the didactic interaction. The technique is based on an ontological and semiotic model of mathematics cognition, which is previously presented. An … Lire la suite

Un phénomène d’évolution curriculaire : le cas des inéquations au collège

Abstract This article concerns the analysis of curriculum starting from a case study of inequalities in school. The study deals with two levels of analysis. The first, whose examination inventories habitats and niches of the object “inequality”, is that of the different contexts of the object’s existence. The second is that of mathematical praxeologies, particularly … Lire la suite

Classes de niveau et praxéologies mathématiques et didactiques. Le cas du volume au collège

Abstract With triple reference to the anthropological theory of knowledge, the theory of situations, and the theory of conceptual fields, the present study shows how, subject to constraints of the instructional system and the school system, teachers place pupils in classes reputed to be at different levels (“weak” and “strong”) according to distinct institutional ratios. … Lire la suite

L’enseignement de la proportionnalité à l’école et au collège

Abstract Because French compulsory education today is primarily concerned with pupils’ future schooling, it tends to ignore the notions that once had an important place in organising the mathematical knowledge used in popular culture and the world of work. The abandonment of the concepts of ratio and proportion has not been offset by needed changes … Lire la suite

Conceptions de l’angle chez des élèves de seconde

Abstract This article reports a study of the conceptions of angle possessed by 15-year-olds who had not studied the notion of directed angle. The theoretical framework-in particular, the notion of conception-was that described in Balacheff (1995 a, b). We initially studied some aspects of the notion of angle as slope. This interpretation has been much … Lire la suite

Approche anthropodidactique de l’enseignement d’une structure additive dans un cours préparatoire kanak

Abstract On the basis of an ethnographic observation of a first-grade mathematics lesson in a Kanaka primary school (New Caledonia), the authors show the relevance of an anthropodidactical theoretical framework in identifying, analyzing, and understanding some didactic effects closely linked to transpositions of or shifts in meaning arising from change in the « social/school » … Lire la suite