Perception et conceptualisation de la symétrie. Une situation adaptée aux élèves myopathes

Abstract The author studies the usefulness of perceptive activities in grasping the concept of orthogonal symmetry. The study is based on the case of teenagers who suffer from muscular dystrophy and who cannot, therefore, learn this concept through drawing activities and constructions of symmetrical figures on paper. In the situations studied here, two activities are … Lire la suite

Evolución de la didáctica de las matemáticas como disciplina científica

Abstract In this article we reconstruct the development of Didactics of Mathematics as a scientific discipline. We start from the body of problems spontaneously encountered by the teacher and go through the didactic classical point of view which systematizes and generalizes such matters. After following expansions, a lot of unexplained phenomenons and unsolved didactical problems … Lire la suite