Educational Interface between Mathematics and Industry

A recent OECD Global Science Forum on “Mathematics in Industry” has recognized the intimate connections between innovation, science and mathematics. In view of these connections, there is a need for a fundamental analysis and reflection on strategies for the education and training of students and maybe the development of new ones. The ICMI-ICIAM joint Study … Lire la suite


Ce numéro est un numéro spécial de la revue, presque entièrement en anglais. Il se veut un numéro d’ouverture sur les recherches qui se font dans le monde, un peu plus largement que parmi les auteurs usuels de la revue. C’est un prolongement naturel de la rubrique « Débats » et aussi une occasion de faire connaître … Lire la suite

Problèmes multiplicatifs : l’expérience de l’enseignant, l’action effective de l’élève

Abstract Practicing years provide the teacher implicit craft knowledges, a knowledge in action and not about the action. The cognitive approach of a craft knowledge is achieved here thanks to a stochastic model. We study the facts taken into account in the uncertainty reduction ; in other words : what type of information does the … Lire la suite

Autour des stratégies utilisées pour former les maîtres du premier degré en mathématiques

Abstract This article is a contribution to the didactic study of the training offered to primary school teachers in Mathematics. It introduces a classification of the different kinds of approaches used by teachers trainers in french University Training Colleges (« Instituts Universitaires de Formation des Maîtres ») to convey to their students three types of … Lire la suite

Didactic engineering

ABSTRACT This is the text of a lecture presented at the fifth Summer School on the Didactics of Mathematics, which took place at Plestin les Greves in August 1989. First, we explain the context of the notion of didactic engineering in the early 1980s. Then we analyse didactic engineering as a research methodology. The final … Lire la suite

Problems of methodology in didactics of mathematics

ABSTRACT The present texts correspond to a course given in the 6 th Sumrner school in Didactic of Mathematics (Plestin-les-Grèves, France, Août 1991). This course consisted of two lectures; one in a general reflection on methological problems, the other one, given by R. Gras, is a specific contribution on data analysis in Didactics. The first … Lire la suite

Data analysis: a method for the processing of didactic questions

ABSTRACT For many reasons, data analysis, a new method for processing data, seems to have broken away from classical, descriptive and inferential statistics, on the episternological level. Its use appears to be very relevant when it comes to questioning quantified facts and formulating hypotheses. As an illustration, we present in this paper three methods of … Lire la suite

The evolution of a theory in didactics: the example of didactic transposition

ABSTRACT This paper deals with didactic transposition. The aim of this theory is to study the factors that make school mathematics different from research mathematics. After giving a brief account of it, we study the main issues that have been debated since the theory’s existence: the definition of such notions as scholarly knowledge and noosphere, … Lire la suite

Fundamental concepts in didactics: perspectives provided by an anthropological approach

ABSTRACT This lecture is intended to provide a first introduction to the approach hereafter styled anthropological in the analysis of the didactic. Some preliminary observations help make clear what the « rules of the game » are, and two introductory examples illustrate the spirit of the thing. Then comes a presentation of the theory and of its … Lire la suite